There is a table called sys_choice and it is important to know everything you can about it

     The Choice table - which has the internal name sys_choice - is used internally by the ServiceNow platform every time we create a field of type Choice and specify the available choices.

      Points to remember when creating a choice

      Always use only lowercase and underscores to form the Column name.

      The Column label is what appears for the end user so you are free to use uppercase and spaces.

      Use the same logic to create a choice. The value is internal and should contain only lowercase and underscores. The Label is what appears for the end user so you are free to use uppercase and spaces.

      What you should never do

      Never specify the Choice table as a reference in a Reference field. For example:

      A reference field stores the sys_id of the corresponding record in the reference table. Since the Choice table is a core internal table, its behaviour is different from custom tables and the sys_ids can change.

      The problem: when a sys_id in a reference column matches the record in the referenced table, it shows the value of the column marked with the attribute Display = True. If for any reason the sys_id is not found in the referenced table, the system will simply show the sys_id.

      Thank you.

See KB0813643 for reference.


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