Searching for an OOB* feature to generate User passwords, I have found the example below. var username = 'itil' ; var password = SNC . PasswordPolicyEvaluator . generateUserPassword ( username ) ; gs . info ( password ); // to view the password If we try to access the SNC API in a Scoped Application it will not work because it is designed for System Administrators. They can run scripts within the Global scope. Last month while participating as a Hacktoberfest maintainer I had the chance to evaluate a contribution regarding password generation: var PasswordGenerator = Class .create(); PasswordGenerator .prototype = { initialize: function () {}, // // Input: Minimum password length that is required // Returns a random password for the min length specified // generate: function (givenPasswordLength) { var specials = '!@#$%&*()_+<>[].~' ; var lowercase = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' ; var upperc...